As we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are reminded of how blessed we are, especially when we look into the eyes of our children. The wonder, the excitement, the sheer energy that is given off of by them at Christmas time... Let's not forget the true gifts at Christmas... this little santa and his big sister are ours. We are touched by how precious they are and we hope you are too! P.S. CALLY MADE US PUT HER IN HERE TOO WITH THE ARGUMENT THAT SHE TOO IS A GIFT, AS EVIDENCED BY HER "PRESENCE" UNDER THE TREE!!!
Scout is trying to get under our tree now too as she can't have Cally show her up. The only trouble is that we have a 3 foot tabletop tree and an 80 pound dog. Two things that don't mix!
Nicole, you look so grown up with Santa sitting on YOUR lap!
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